I was born is Bristol and studied architecture at Kingston Polytechnic from 1970-1977. My diploma tutor was Jon Corpe, who I still regard as the best of my teachers. After qualifying I worked for Ahrends, Burton + Koralek in London, then Leslie Martin (Owers + Lumley) in Cambridge. I then received a British Council Scholarship to study co-operative housing in Denmark. On returning to the UK I started teaching with David Dunster and I spent five years as an associate with Chapman Lisle before setting my own practice in the mid 1980’s. I continued part time teaching in London architecture schools until 2016. During that time I was privileged to work with people who not only became close friends but who expanded my view of what architecture could be: Kit Allsopp, Jeremy Melvin, Alex de Rijke, Paul Davies, Steve Bowkett, and probably the most influential of all, the late Katherine Shonfield.
In 2000 I studied part time at the Architectural Association and received a Post Graduate qualification in Building Conservation. I saw this as an extension of my passion for sustainable design. I have written two architecture books (Experimental Houses and Small Houses both published by Lawrence King) and one unpublished novel. I have served as an external examiner at Westminster School of Architecture and sit on the South Downs National Park Design Review Panel.
My home and office are in a converted chicken shed on a biodynamic farm.
I am a UK based architectural designer. I graduated from The Cass – London Metropolitan University with a First Class professional diploma in 2018.
I have a keen interest in creating spaces with atmosphere and honesty in materials and details. I am also an artist, which helps me nurture my imagination.
I’ve been working for Nicolas Pople Architects since 2018 having previously completed my Diploma at London Metropolitan University and my degree at Edinburgh College of Art.
In 2014 I helped initiate a community project in Lewes, the town where I spent much of my childhood. As a response to a large and widely contested development proposal, we set up Making Lewes to try and promote community engagement with the built environment whilst highlighting the vibrant culture of local crafts people and makers that is present in the town.
I have also engaged in a number of design and make projects, working with architects as well as artists, theatre makers, and various crafts people. These projects have helped develop a particular commitment to architecture as a collaborative, cross-disciplinary practice. Notably in 2019 I visited Kiwanasato in Japan, to undertake a two week workshop lead by Grizedale Arts & Takeshi Hayatsu learning about traditional Japanese methods of construction, and working directly with the rural community there to build a Slovenian style bee house.
I’m currently building a timber-framed house from up-cycled material on a community farm where I live with my partner and our young daughter.
Spending my childhood making things with my Grandad in his workshop sparked my passion for architecture. I learnt where materials came from and how things were built with care and craft, thus my aspiration for designing and making began. This is still very much part of my life as he is teaching me woodcarving and furniture making.
I joined NPA in 2016 after completing my undergraduate studies. The practice’s unique structure and ethos inspired me to continue working throughout my postgraduate journey. In 2024, I qualified as an architect.
Part 1 – University of Plymouth
Part 2 – Centre for Alternative Technology (Sustainable Architecture)
Part 3 – University of the West of England